Principal's Corner

Welcome to Clay County Elementary School. We are proud of our dedicated, experienced staff and our enthusiastic learners.
As demands and complexities of teaching children increase, it becomes more evident that we all need to work together to ensure that our children reach their potential. We believe that all of us, the school and community, must work together in an extended family environment to ensure success for all students.
It is our desire to keep you informed of all that is taking place with our school. Updates and additional information will be sent to you through our school webpage, email, phone calls, and our social media pages. If you have any questions or concerns at any time, please do not hesitate to give your child’s teacher or me a call. I look forward to having a long and rewarding relationship with you and your family.
I believe with everyone’s commitment to student success, including strong support and participation by the parents, we can achieve our vision to inspire every student to become college and career-ready.
Kimberly Johnson